Category Archives: Nature

Positive Contagion

In our world today ‘contagion’ is on every mind.  As we take steps to slow the spread, to flatten the curve, as they say, we can also create an atmosphere of positive contagion.  Walking in my new neighborhood yesterday, as the sun shone briefly in the late afternoon following rain, I was surprised by a new feeling of community.  Children out on their bikes with parents jogging alongside, couples walking dogs, and babies in strollers, lone walkers and runners.  As I passed, a smile, a nod, a word of greeting – a sense that we are in this together.  We’ve always been in this life together, whether acknowledged or not; now we have a common thread running through the fabric of our lives.

My job involves bringing beauty and order into the lives of others.  I like it to be a collaboration – my clients ideas and sensibilities, filtered through my eye, executed to our mutual satisfaction.  So many different ways exist to share beauty….a picture, a story, a thought, a word of endearment or encouragement….the list really is endless.  In the digital age in which we live, we can be contagious in a positive way, without risking the negative.

Logging in this morning, I see that I have not posted on this blog since 2017.  Many events    conspired to rob me of the joy I once had.  In 2020, in the mist of pandemic, I’m taking a fresh look at life through a very different lens and finding it more beautiful than ever.

As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Several weeks ago my five year old granddaughter took what we had accumulated from a bit of garden clean-up and fashioned  a still-life on the flagstone….beauty in my eyes and hers….possibly in yours as well.


I hope to continue to share that which is beautiful in my world, to reconnect with past loyal followers and make new friends.  Please respond; let me know what your world looks like today  – spread the beauty!  Be well!



Filed under Art, Exteriors, Family history, Garden, Inspiration, Nature, Welcome

End of Summer…Martha’s Vineyard

respite from the cares of the world…







 peace that passes understanding


Filed under Inspiration, Nature, Seasons, Travel

Weeds and window boxes…Vineyard-style



always refreshed and inspired by the island!!!!

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Filed under Garden, Inspiration, Nature, Travel

It’s all about the wings…

Nearing the end of their stay in our box, the owlets are climbing with great care to the top. 



Against the backdrop of other winged creatures,


flexing their wings,



retreating to security inside


or flying into the night.


I am reminded of a quote given to each of our adult children with a copy of the family history:

‘Every child deserves two things:  one is roots, the other is wings.’

We have provided roots – a barn owl box made of 100 year old barn wood – and their parents have given them wings – literally and figuratively!   God speed little ones!


Filed under Family history, Nature

rescue peaches

farmer vs birds



birds are winning…..but these are now out of beaks way!!!


Filed under Nature, Postcards

Peony…the muse

 a tight ball of unobservable potential


opening to the opulence of petaled glory


then:  fading, fragile, feminine



shedding that which is no longer useful


paring down to the essence


retaining elegance; beauty of a different sort


dedicated to those women of a certain season of life who walk this path with elegance and grace


Filed under Inspiration, Nature


Sitting in the yard as the sky transitions from twilight into night – the bridge of conversation and quiet watching between us – we  never cease to be amazed as an owl bridges the space from house to oak, then from oak to owl box.


Mountains in front of us bridge the horizon from east to west.



Watching, we see the North Star directly above the owl box, the Big Dipper and Cassiopeia bleeding their reflected light into the darkening sky; stars bridging the sky as far as we can see.

Blinking lights – white, green, red – reveal the path of planes as they bridge the spaces between the stars, seeming to knit them together with invisible thread to hold the universe.

A bridge – a transition – between the seen and unseen = faith.

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Filed under Nature

Postcard from the owl box

Feather – sign of new life in the owl box…


Easter – new life made available for everyone!!!

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Filed under Holidays, Nature, Postcards

Meanwhile back at the ranch…episode 25

Admittedly less attentive than in past years, we have fretted about the barn owls.  The usual chirping sounds as they fly have been absent; a silhouette atop the owl box missing in the twilight of the evening. 


Listening for them, we have heard, in the distance,  the hooting of the Great Horned Owl also native to these parts, a natural predator of our owls.  


Have the barn owls moved on to a safer domain, leaving our box uninhabited for this season???


Working this past week to clear the wedding path behind the hedge, I imagined (heard?) ever so slight noises coming from the box. 


Dedicating my labors to making their surroundings as enticing as possible, I vowed to sit outside that evening from the first hint of dusk until I could no longer see the box in the dark…watching…listening…


and…they came in the twilight!!!…one swooping in silently over the yard, wings at full spread, the other from over the field.  BUT, flying directly into the box – no silent contemplation on the roof as in years past…AND they are quiet, no chirping to announce their arrival.  Are these simply a different pair with their own behavior pattern, OR could the hoot owls be causing them to keep a lower profile this year???  I wish we could communicate – I would ask.


Actually, I choose to think that we do communicate in a fashion:  the next morning a ‘thank you’ left under the box…perhaps in appreciation of my efforts with the landscape!



*Great Horned Owl:  photo of reproduction of The Original Water-Color Paintings by John James Audubon for The Birds of America


Filed under Exteriors, Nature

Postcard from the plum tree

glorious color and contrast…


a beautiful palate inside or out!

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Filed under Garden, Nature, Postcards, Seasons